-When did you first start running and What was it that got you into running?
Started running approx. 18 years ago when I moved here to Houston from Utah. I got into it because I was looking for a way to increase my stamina in the racquetball courts and tournaments. After a year or so, I switched my focus from racquetball to running.
-What is your occupation and how do you fit running into your schedule?
I am an Instructional Technology Coach at a local school district, and am also working on my master’s degree at Texas A&M. I have to adjust either my mornings or evenings depending on a number of factors and fit my running into whichever slot works best. Sometimes that means a 9 or 10pm run, sometimes it means a 5am run. I have learned that the only way to keep up with the running is to recognize and accept that it doesn’t always come or can be done at the most convenient times; it just has to get done if you want to be successful with it.
-Do you eat a certain way because you run? What is your daily diet?
I try to do my best and eat halfway decent most of the time but don’t always. I focus and am extremely particular about never skipping breakfast and eating a good protein snack or meal every 2-3 hours. But I do enjoy a burger or pizza once in a while without guilt.
-What is your most memorable run?
My most memorable run was last year (2016) at The Woodlands Half Marathon, when I got my PR of 2:01:08. The weather that day was great for running and I fell into a good pace early on I was able to maintain and push all the way to the end.
-What is it about running that keeps you motivated to keep going?
Running motivates me to keep going because there’s always another personal challenge or mark to try to improve or work on, no matter what I do. A great race result can be extremely fulfilling, but it’s never the end—-it can provide another horizon or goal to dream about and drive you forward. In addition to being a great way to get and stay healthy and in shape, it is also provides a neat channel to meet outstanding people of all skills, backgrounds, and abilities and develop true and meaningful friendships that last a lifetime.
-When did you first start running and what was it that got you into running?
I started running in 7th grade on the cross country team. I wasn’t competitive, but enjoyed it from the git go. I also ran a few years of high school cross country, and again wasn’t competitive but really enjoyed it. I kept running through college and most of my adult life. Not many miles, 2-3 miles perhaps 2-3 times a week. I only started running longer 3 years ago, as preparation for long distance triathlon. I ran my first marathon only 2 years ago, and fell in love with running all over again.
-What is your occupation and how do you fit running into your schedule?
I’m a pilot for a major airline. Running fits in with my job fantastically! I have running routes in cities all over the country. Unlike most people who travel for work, when I get there my work is done! I’m often tired, but I’ve made it a habit to almost without exception run on my layovers. And when I’m home I have plenty of time to work out.
-Do you eat a certain way because you run? What is your daily diet?
I eat fairly healthily, but could do better if I worked at it. A normal days eating would be a piece of peanut butter toast and a cup of coffee before I run. An Ensure, banana and a second cup of coffee when I finish. Leftovers for lunch. And we’ve been using the Hello Fresh meal delivery service, that’s been working awesome for dinner and leaving those leftovers for lunch the next day. I love sweets, I struggle to avoid the evening ice cream run but I often fail!
-What is your most memorable run?
Gosh that’s hard, so many great ones. My first marathon in Columbus was unforgettable, I cried like a baby at the finish as I was overwhelmed with emotion and a new, and surprisingly unexpected, deeper love with running. The marathon during the Alaskaman Triathlon this past summer was memorable for how good I felt, the amazing scenery, running the first 15 miles with a good friend, and for the finish on top of Mount Alyeska.
-What is it about running that keeps you motivated to keep going?
I wish I could fully explain it as I find my words inadequate, but those who love running will easily understand. No motivation is needed as I do it because I love it. It brings me great joy to run, to be outside and feel the sun and wind, or just as easily the rain and the cold. To see, to experience, to enjoy my surroundings. It makes me feel alive.
-What are you training for?
I’m currently training for the NYC Marathon, working toward qualifying (and getting accepted!) into Boston early next year in a spring marathon, and possibly run a 50 miler later in the year.